cf14 School Of Motoring

Nadia 22.10.22

So A Second For cf14 School Of Motoring Today & Our Congratulations Now Go To Nadia, Passing With Just One Driving Fault! โญ<br />
Again, Not A First Time Pass - But The Determination & Effort Nadia Put In To Be Able To Drive Her Young Family Around Pushed Her To A Great Drive Today, And Again, Many Thanks To The Examiner - Keeping Her Calm And Balanced - Truly Helped Us Today. Congratuletions
So A Second For cf14 School Of Motoring Today & Our Congratulations Now Go To Nadia, Passing With Just One Driving Fault! โญ
Again, Not A First Time Pass - But The Determination & Effort Nadia Put In To Be Able To Drive Her Young Family Around Pushed Her To A Great Drive Today, And Again, Many Thanks To The Examiner - Keeping Her Calm And Balanced - Truly Helped Us Today. Congratuletions & Drive Safely, But With Definately Miss Our Chats ๐Ÿš˜๐Ÿš—๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒŸ

cf14 School Of Motoring
Barry 07913 238 821
Office 02920 196 026
Rebekah 07979 120166
Lesson times
7am - 8pm
7am - 8pm
7am - 8pm
7am - 8pm
7am - 8pm
7am - 8pm
7am - 8pm

pay using the payM service cf14 School Of Motoring `Professional And Fun Learning Designed Around Youยด - And now you can also pay using the payM service by paying direct to 07913 238821.
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